Georges NADRA
Plastic artist
Vertical spring, digital prints on Dibon and welded mesh, variable format, 28 pieces, 2013.
Location: Jardin de la Roquette, Paris.
To wander, to deliver, to decompartmentalize, to ramble, to wander, to wander, to ride, to gossip, to chatter, to denounce, to fulminate, stupidity, which of all these expressions best corresponds to the socio-political situation in which we live today and which is part in a completely contradictory world.
While the planet's politicians compete for the right places to grab, whatever the means used to achieve it, even if it means having to sell commercial leases at all costs. The dead are desperately seeking their last refuges, finding nothing better than to be housed in public gardens, with no access to a dignified final resting place.
In Syria, recently and perhaps elsewhere, we have found nothing better than to bury the victims of Syrian repression in public gardens.
For lack of places or access, perhaps both at the same time, has the local population reached a situation where they find themselves obliged to bury their dead vertically?
Industrial memory,TMS digital photos on Dibon, loom spools, woolen thread, pigments, metal, welded mesh, and plaster.
Location: Bastille Art Center, Paris 11th.
Vertical Printemps, 2013 (détail)Formats variables, 28 pièces | Vertical Printemps, 2013 (détail) | Vertical Printemps, 2013 (détail) |
Vertical Printemps, 2013 (détail) | Vertical Printemps, 2013 (détail) | Vertical Printemps, 2013 (détail) |
Vertical Printemps, 2013 (détail) | Vertical PrintempsTirages numériques sur Dibon et treillis soudés, formats variables, 2013 | Vertical Printemps, 2013 (détail) |
Industrial memory
Flickr - Installation Mémoires industrielles 1 | Flickr - Installation Mémoires industrielles 2 |